General Archives - dobie revolution orthodontics your beautiful smile is our priority Thu, 03 Oct 2024 16:22:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 General Archives - dobie revolution orthodontics 32 32 Spotting the Early Signs Your Kid Will Need Braces Thu, 03 Oct 2024 08:48:42 +0000 For parents, early detection of orthodontic issues in your child’s oral health makes all the difference. At dobie revolution orthodontics, we highlight some of the key signs that your child may need braces

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Introduction to the Early Signs Your Kids Will Need Braces

For parents, early detection of orthodontic issues in your child’s oral health makes all the difference in the outcome of their potential orthodontic treatment plans. Some dental issues in kids can be abundantly apparent, but some problems can go unnoticed without a professional examination and diagnosis. In this blog, we at dobie revolution orthodontics will highlight some of the key signs that your child may need braces, and how you can recognize potential dental issues before they become more severe.

Are you in the New Haven/Shoreline area and concerned your child will need braces?

A free consultation with Dobie Revolution Orthodontics is always available.


Crowded or Crooked Teeth

Crowded or Crooked Teeth

What Causes Crowded Teeth?

Standing as the most obvious and common reasons children will need braces, crowded or crooked teeth are very simple to identify in children and likely will present themselves at an early age. Crowded or crooked teeth can arise because of genetics, premature loss of baby teeth, or prolonged oral habits like thumb sucking. When there isn’t enough space in the mouth for all your child’s teeth to fit correctly, they can overlap, twist, or grow in at unnatural angles.

How to Spot Crowded Teeth Early

Spotting crowded teeth can typically be done as soon as the child’s adult teeth start to emerge. An early sign to indicate crowded teeth is if you notice that the teeth seem too close together or are visibly overlapping. Ensuring regular dental check ups can help to expedite the recognition of an issue with overcrowding of a child’s teeth. If spotted early, an Orthodontist can provide a treatment plan to prevent the crowding from worsening.

Misaligned Jaw or Bite Issues

Misaligned Jaw or Bite Issues

Types of Bite Problems

Also known as malocclusions, bite problems in children occur when the upper and lower teeth don't align properly. The different types of bite issues include overbites, underbites, posterior crossbites, and open bites. An overbite is when the upper teeth protrude over the lower teeth, and an underbite is when the lower teeth extend past the upper teeth. A posterior crossbite is when the upper jaw is too small and is fitting inside the lower jaw, rather than outside. This can happen just on one side, or sometimes in more extreme cases, on both sides. An open bite is when the front teeth do not overlap leaving the bite open in the front while the back teeth are touching.

How to Recognize Bite Issues Early

There are occasions where bite problems can be difficult to identify without the help from a trained dental professional, but there are early signs for parents to watch out for as well. If your child’s teeth don't seem to line up properly when their mouth is closed, or if they complain frequently about discomfort while chewing, they could be dealing with a bite issue. An orthodontic evaluation is the best way to confirm and address these concerns early on for your child. Always remember, here at dobie revolution orthodontics, all consultations are complimentary. 

Early or Late Loss of Baby Teeth

Early or Late Loss of Baby Teeth

Impact of Early Loss of Baby Teeth

While it’s an exciting sign of your child growing up, the loss of baby teeth too early can lead to future preventable orthodontic issues. When a baby tooth is lost too soon, it allows the surrounding teeth to adapt and potentially move into the place of the lost tooth. This can cause crowding or misalignment of the adult teeth when they start coming in, resulting in the need for braces to correct the positioning of the permanent teeth.

Impact of Late Loss of Baby Teeth

On the other hand, late loss of baby teeth can cause delays in the emergence of the adult teeth, which can cause the adult teeth to erupt in the wrong position in your child’s mouth. Like early loss of baby teeth, this can also lead to crowding or misalignment when the adult teeth come in, and will again require the need for braces to reposition the permanent teeth.

Thumb Sucking and Other Oral Habits

Thumb Sucking and Other Oral Habits

How Thumb Sucking Affects Teeth

Thumb sucking or using a pacifier as a prolonged oral habit may impact the growth of your child’s mouth and the position of their teeth. Usually if this habit continues past the age of 4, the front teeth start protruding and an open bite or overbite can develop. After age 6, or once the first permanent tooth has erupted, some permanent skeletal effects can then remain forever if the habit is not stopped. This will then definitely require braces in the future to try and correct the teeth or jaw positioning.

Recognizing the Impact of Prolonged Oral Habits

While thumb sucking and pacifier use is normal in young children, parents should monitor the habit as your child begins to grow past that stage. If your child continues thumb sucking past the toddler stage, it will start to affect the development of their teeth and jaw. If you notice any changes in your child’s bite or tooth alignment, it’s best to schedule a consultation with an Orthodontist.

Mouth Breathing

Mouth Breathing

Connection Between Mouth Breathing and Orthodontic Issues

Mouth breathing in children is more often than not linked to orthodontic problems, as it can affect the development of the teeth and jaws in children. Kids who primarily breath through their mouths may be showing signs of an underdeveloped upper jaw or a narrow palate, which can lead to bite issues and the need for braces to remediate the issue.

Identifying Mouth Breathing in Children

Often occurring mostly during sleep, mouth breathing in children can be difficult to identify. Signs of mouth breathing outside of sleep can include chronic dry mouth, bad breath, or if you can hear noisy or labored breathing during the night while they sleep. If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, it’s important to consult an Orthodontist to assess your child’s dental development.

Difficulty Chewing or Biting

Difficulty Chewing or Biting

Common Causes of Chewing Difficulties

If you notice chewing or biting difficulty in your child’s eating behavior, it can be a sign of bite misalignment, crowded teeth, or jaw discrepancies. These issues can make it hard for your child to properly break down food, leading to discomfort or frustration during meals.

Signs Your Child is Struggling with Chewing or Biting

As a parent, keep an eye out and take note if your child complains about pain while chewing or has a recurring struggle with certain foods. Addressing any complaints that they have and getting an orthodontic consultation for them can help to prevent serious issues from developing.

Speech Impediments

Speech Impediments

How Dental Alignment Affects Speech

The most common forms of speech impediments, lisping or slurred speech, can on occasion be directly linked to dental alignment issues within a child’s mouth. If your child’s teeth or jaw are misaligned, it interferes with the tongue’s ability to make proper contact with their teeth. This can lead to speech difficulties, and can establish the need for orthodontic work to correct the issues.

When Speech Impediments Indicate a Need for Braces

If you notice a speech issue with your child, it’s almost always worth investigating if the issue is due to dental problems. Making a consultation with an Orthodontist, such as Dr. Dobie can help to identify the cause and get a plan in place to correct the alignment of your child’s teeth or jaws, eliminating the speech issue before it gets worse.

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Causes of Bruxism in Children

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a very common condition or habit in children. Oftentimes, grinding can be linked to stress or anxiety, but sometimes it can be the result of a dental misalignment. If left untreated, grinding will wear down the teeth over time and can therefore contribute to more orthodontic issues down the line. There are some links with sleep disorders as well that can be associated with bruxism. 

Recognizing Signs of Teeth Grinding Early

As a parent, if you sleep near or next to your child you may be able to hear them grinding their teeth throughout the night. If you can’t recognize it, some other signs may be that they wake up with jaw pain or headaches. A simple fix for teeth grinding is to have them wear a mouthguard to bed, but depending on age, this may not always be the best solution. It’s worth consulting with an Orthodontist to ensure that the issue isn’t related to dental misalignment, or breathing issues in which case your Orthodontist can potentially help remediate the issue with orthodontic treatment.

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When to Consult an Orthodontist

Historically, the ideal age for an orthodontic evaluation for your children is around the age of 7 years old. By this time, their teeth and jaws have developed enough for an experienced professional to identify any dental issues and create a treatment plan, if necessary. However, unless major issues are noticed by you or your dentist, coming in for an evaluation by age 8 is certainly soon enough. Early intervention in children helps to prevent the need for more extensive treatment later on in their teens or adulthood, and can also decrease the complexity and duration of their orthodontic care. Also, it is always better to take a look earlier rather than later, and if no treatment is necessary they can instead be monitored for free until they are old enough for comprehensive braces or Invisalign, if necessary. 

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If you’re a parent of a child and you’ve recognized any of the symptoms outlined in this blog, you’re already one step ahead. Making sure your child gets the kind of braces treatment they need can drastically improve their quality of life and limit the exposure to orthodontics late into their teens and adulthood. Please feel free to book a complimentary consultation at dobie revolution orthodontics today if you have any concerns about your child’s dental health, and set your kids up for a confident and healthy smile for the rest of their lives.

Choose Your Office


2600 Dixwell Ave, Ste 2A,
Hamden, CT 06514


405 Church St, Ste 2
Guilford, CT 06437

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Are Custom Braces Right For Me? Thu, 03 Oct 2024 08:10:51 +0000 At dobie revolution orthodontics, our team prioritizes your personalized care with our customized braces solution. Our custom braces are designed specifically for each patient and their unique circumstance.

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Introduction to Custom Braces 

When you make the decision to invest in orthodontic treatment to improve dental issues or fix your smile, you expect the best possible outcome and an approach tailored to your unique dental needs. At dobie revolution orthodontics, our team prioritizes your personalized care with our customized braces solution. While traditional braces are generic and the same for every patient, our custom braces are designed specifically for each patient and their unique circumstance. 3D technology and the KLOwen custom braces system allows us to give our patients a more specialized and efficient treatment plan. But, are custom braces right for you or your child? We’ll break down our process in this article and make it easy for you to decide for yourself!

Are you considering custom braces in the New Haven/Shoreline area?

A free consultation with Dobie Revolution Orthodontics is always available.


Steps to Getting Custom Braces at dobie revolution orthodontics

Our process follows a precise and patient-centric approach to orthodontic treatment. Here are the steps that you can expect to see as a patient of ours:

Step 1: 3D Scan

Your custom braces journey begins with a 3D scan of your teeth and jaw, using the latest iTero 5D scanner. This scan captures every detail of your dental structures, providing our team with a complete virtual model to work with. This scan eliminates the need for messy impressions and gives us a more accurate starting point for a personalized treatment plan.

itero scanner and results

Step 2: Customizing Your Brackets

Using the 3D scan data, we then utilize the KLOwent braces system to select each bracket to fit the unique angulation, thickness and shape of your teeth. This strategy differs from traditional braces, where all patients use the same standardized brackets. The precision of the KLOwen system ensures a better fit and enhances the treatment efficiency.

Step 3: Personalized Treatment Plan

Once we have selected your custom brackets, we create a personalized treatment plan for your orthodontic needs. The KLOwen system allows our team to predict how your teeth will move throughout the treatment, as best as possible, tailoring the approach and progression of your braces more accurately. This leaves you with fewer necessary adjustment appointments and often faster results.

Step 4: Application and Ongoing Adjustments

Once your custom brackets are ready, we carefully apply your braces with the precision of a 3D printed tray made specially for you. You can expect this part of the process to be 4 weeks after your initial appointment. Due to the precision of the bracket placement, and the custom prescription, you’ll notice that your teeth will move into ideal positions rather quickly. Over the course of your treatment, we make minor adjustments based on the progress to keep you on track for optimal results.

Dobie Revolution: Consistently Voted CT Magazine’s Top Dentists

Are Custom Braces Right for My Child, Pre-Teen, or Teen?

Custom braces offer the personalized nature of orthodontic treatment that traditional braces simply cannot provide. Treatment efficiency and a reduced number of orthodontic appointments is ideal for younger patients who have busy school schedules. Not only do you typically have fewer orthodontic appointments, but trying to be out of braces before highschool starts is always a winner with the kids! 

Reasons to Get Braces for a Child, Pre-Teen, or Teen

  • Correcting early misalignment: Recognizing and acting on orthodontic issues early helps to prevent more serious problems that may emerge or worsen in adulthood.
  • Preventing bite issues: Custom braces address overbites, underbites, and crossbites helping with proper jaw alignment and development as your child grows.
  • Improving confidence: The efficiency of custom braces allows your child or teen to get that straighter smile as soon as possible, boosting self-esteem during the developmental years.

Other Options

  • Invisalign Teen: Invisalign is a clear aligner system that’s an alternative to braces and is also designed using the same 3D scan of your teeth. A custom treatment plan is then created for you very similar to the way KLOwen custom braces are designed. This option can offer even more flexibility with busy school schedules, but it does require a very motivated and responsible patient. 
  • KLOwen Clear Braces: KLOwen custom braces also offer a clear bracket option that is designed in the same manner as their metal version. Patients that are trying to hide their orthodontic journey, but feel that they will not be responsible enough to wear Invisalign often find this to be a happy medium. We understand that some patients want braces that offer a bit more discretion! 

Are Custom Braces Right for Me as an Adult?

Adults will typically have different needs than younger patients when it comes to orthodontic treatment. Custom braces are ideal for adults because of their efficiency, especially when it comes to having a busy work schedule. Less appointments tends to be a priority for adults, making custom braces a great option. 

Reasons to Get Braces as an Adult

  • Correcting long-standing issues: Adults usually seek out braces to address many dental problems that weren’t taken care of during their childhood or teenage years. These issues may have grown worse over time and are now affecting their bite. 
  • Improving oral health: Properly aligned teeth are much easier to clear and maintain, which reduces the risk of gum disease and/or tooth decay.
  • Aesthetics: One of the most frequent reasons that adults seek orthodontic treatment is to improve their smile! Straight teeth can help boost one’s appearance and self-confidence. Don’t forget, a person’s smile is one of the first things you notice when you meet someone. 

Other Options

  • Invisalign: Invisalign for adults is an alternate option from braces, using clear aligners to straighten the teeth instead. Similarly to the teen Invisalign mentioned above, adults must be strict and dedicated to wearing the aligners in order for the system to work correctly.
  • KLOwen Clear Braces: Just like we mentioned above for the younger patients, KLOwen clear braces are also available to adults who are looking for a more discreet option with the same amazing advantages as custom metal braces. 

Reasons to Consider Options Other Than Custom Braces

Custom braces are a great option for patients looking for a tailored and efficient solution. However, they may not be the best option for everyone. Here are a few reasons why some patients choose alternative options:

  • Cost considerations: Custom braces are typically more expensive than traditional braces or aligners, due to the planning and materials needed for a successful alignment. However, here at dobie revolution orthodontics, we believe that custom braces should be available to everyone so we offer them at no additional cost!
  • Mild orthodontic needs: Some patients looking for teeth alignment may only have minor issues that can be fixed without custom braces. These patients will typically benefit from a shorter-term solution such as aligners or very limited braces.
  • Lifestyle preferences: Having a removable option is a priority for some people, which would only be possible with a solution such as Invisalign.

Maintenance for Custom Braces

Careful hygiene and regular check-ups are always important during orthodontic treatment, whether they are custom or traditional braces. Here are a few items to take into consideration for a successful orthodontic journey:

  • Brushing and flossing regularly: This stands true for anyone, with or without braces, but is especially important in maintaining tooth and gum health during your orthodontic treatment.
  • Avoiding hard or sticky foods: Certain foods and gum can damage the custom brackets or wires during your braces treatment, which could result in needed replacements and delays in results.
  • Attending scheduled adjustments: Although custom braces tend to require less appointments, it’s still important to be mindful of your treatment schedule and ensure availability when you need adjustments to your braces.

Common Mistakes You Should Avoid

  • Ignoring discomfort: If something feels wrong with your custom braces, it’s best to call and set an appointment with the Orthodontist to get it checked out. Even if it seems small, any issue could possibly delay your treatment results.
  • Not going to your general dentist during treatment: Just because you’re under treatment with an Orthodontist, it’s still important to continue routine check-ups and teeth cleanings with your general dentist to keep your dental health in check.

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Average Timeline for Custom Braces

Timelines vary from children to adults, and for the complexity of your case. 


Kids and teens typically require a treatment duration that ranges from 18-24 months. This can sometimes change if growth is delayed or is asymmetric. However, the precision of custom braces can potentially reduce the duration of treatment comparatively to traditional methods.


Adult treatment tends to last between 12-18 months, but depends heavily on the severity of the misalignment. Often adults have had previous orthodontic treatment at an earlier age which can reduce the severity of the issue. The customization of the braces expedites the treatment time and adults will often experience shorter treatment times when compared to traditional metal braces. 

a picture that shows the difference between traditional braces and klowen custom braces.


Custom braces are a great option for children, teens, and adults with their personalized approach to each patient’s specific needs. We here at dobie revolution orthodontics are excited to help you start your custom orthodontic journey so that we can see your wonderful smile as soon as possible. Whether you’re considering braces for your kids or for yourself, custom braces will give you a modern approach to achieving the ideal and healthy smile that you so rightly deserve!

Choose Your Office


2600 Dixwell Ave, Ste 2A,
Hamden, CT 06514


405 Church St, Ste 2
Guilford, CT 06437

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Spotting the Early Signs That Your Kid Might Need Surgical Orthodontics Thu, 03 Oct 2024 06:48:46 +0000 Here at dobie revolution orthodontics, provides you with insight on the key indicators that your child may need a combination of orthodontic treatment and orthognathic jaw surgery.

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Introduction to Early Signs That Your Kid Might Need Surgical Orthodontics

A large part of being a parent is prioritizing the health and well-being of your children. While regular dental checkups are important for your child’s dental health, certain orthodontic issues may need surgical intervention. Being able to recognize the signs early can help to avoid long-term dental complications and keep your child’s oral health on track for their future. Here at dobie revolution orthodontics, we are ready to provide you with insight on the key indicators that your child may need a combination of orthodontic treatment and orthognathic jaw surgery (surgical orthodontics) and what you can do as a parent to address these concerns.

Are you in the New Haven/Shoreline area and concerned your child might need Surgical Orthodontics?

A free consultation with Dobie Revolution Orthodontics is always available.


Severe Jaw Misalignment

Recognizing Extreme Overbites, Underbites, or Crossbites

Jaw misalignment is one of the primary cases that we see as a need for surgical orthodontics. This can be classified by extreme cases of overbites, underbites, or crossbites which can result in improper alignment of your child’s teeth and jaws. This will typically make it difficult for your child to chew, speak, or even breathe correctly. An overbite is when the upper teeth significantly overlap the lower teeth, while an underbite is the opposite, when the lower teeth extend beyond the upper teeth. A crossbite is the misalignment of both the upper and lower teeth, affecting one or more teeth in your child’s mouth. As a parent, being able to identify these issues early can expedite the determination of whether or not surgery is required.

Impact of Jaw Misalignment on Facial Symmetry

Severe jaw misalignment affects functionality, but also impacts the appearance of your child’s face. When upper and lower jaws don’t align properly, it can cause facial asymmetry, leading to a skewed or uneven appearance. This imbalance can grow worse as your child ages, and can have lasting impacts on their self-esteem. Surgical orthodontics, like those offered by dobie revolution orthodontics, can help correct these misalignments to restore both function and esthetics.

before and after of under bite fixed with braces by dobie revolution orthodontics

Difficulty with Basic Functions (Chewing, Speaking, Breathing)

How Jaw Alignment Affects Daily Functions

As mentioned earlier, jaw misalignment can interfere with your child’s basic functions like chewing, speaking, and even breathing. The improper alignment may place excessive strain on the jaw muscles, making it difficult for children to chew properly. Speech issues, like lisps or slurs, also may arise from misaligned teeth or jaws. Breathing difficulties, while more rare, can happen in particular cases, especially if the upper jaw is too narrow or the lower jaw is too far back.

Identifying Functional Issues Early

If you can see that your child is having difficulties with chewing, speech development, or breathing, it may be time to get an orthodontic evaluation. If left untreated, these issues can, and likely will, worsen over time and might need to be addressed specifically through surgical treatment. Early identification allows for a more comprehensive treatment plan, and may even eliminate the need for surgery later on.

before and after of crooked and straight teeth after braces from dobie revolution orthodontics

Significant Facial Asymmetry

Causes of Facial Asymmetry in Children

There are many contributing factors to facial asymmetry in children, including genetics, trauma, or developmental issues in their jaw. In most cases, asymmetry develops gradually as the jaw grows unevenly, which is why we put emphasis on early identification. The evident signs of this may include one side of your child’s face appearing higher, lower, or more prominent than the other.

When Facial Asymmetry Indicates the Need for Surgery

In children, minor asymmetry can be normal, but significant asymmetry is a sign of the potential need for surgical orthodontics in the future. If your child’s facial structure looks notably uneven, or the asymmetry is affecting their ability to chew, speak, or breathe, consult an Orthodontist to get a professional diagnosis and plan of action.

Chronic Jaw Pain or Headaches

3D scan of a mouth before braces by dobie revolution orthodontics

Connection Between Jaw Pain and Orthodontic Issues

If your child is experiencing chronic jaw pain or frequent headaches, there may be an underlying orthodontic problem such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder or severe misalignment. When the teeth and jaw are not properly aligned, there is extra strain on the jaw muscles and joints, which will usually cause discomfort and pain for your child.

Understanding When Pain Signals a Need for Surgery

Be wary of your child constantly complaining of jaw pain or headaches. If you notice this and other common methods of pain relief don’t solve the issue, consider consulting with your Orthodontist. Usually, traditional orthodontic treatments can alleviate the symptoms, but in extreme cases surgery may be necessary to address the root cause.

Teeth that Don’t Meet Properly When the Mouth is Closed

What Causes Open Bite?

An open bite is when the upper and lower anterior teeth don’t overlap when the back teeth are touching. This can be caused by repetitive behavior such as thumb-sucking, tongue thrusting, or just simply by improper jaw growth. Open bites often interfere with children’s chewing, speech, and can also affect their facial appearance.

Correcting Severe Open Bites with Surgery

Most mild cases of open bite can be corrected with braces or other orthodontic appliances, but severe cases may require orthognathic jaw surgery. The surgery would help reposition the jaws, ensuring proper alignment and functionality and eliminating the gap between the upper and lower teeth.

Delayed Growth of the Jaw

Signs of Growth Discrepancies in the Jaw

During certain developmental stages in childhood, children will experience growth spurts in their jaw. When these growth spurts occur, some kids may experience delayed or uneven jaw growth, leading to functional and facial asymmetry issues. Signs of apparent delayed growth include an underdeveloped lower jaw or what looks like a protruding upper jaw.

Surgical Options for Correcting Growth Delays

In cases of delayed or uneven jaw growth, a combination of orthodontic treatment and orthognathic jaw surgery can help to correct this severe bite issue. This is typically done by surgically adjusting the position of the jaw, restoring proper alignment to prevent future complications. Sometimes patients require one jaw to be moved and other times both jaws are repositioned. 

Failed Orthodontic Treatment

When Traditional Braces Aren’t Enough

Traditional braces are typically the go-to solution for minor and moderate orthodontic issues, but braces or Invisalign sometimes aren’t enough for more severe cases. If your child’s situation has been identified as severe, jaw surgery is likely the most efficient and effective way to solve the issue down the line. Identifying these issues early on, however, is very important so that ideal timing can be obtained. 

Next Steps After Failed Orthodontic Treatment

If you choose the route of traditional orthodontics, such as braces or Invisalign (clear aligners), and the results don’t solve the targeted issue, jaw surgery may be the next step. If the issue continues to persist and affect your child’s day-to-day life, it may be the only option to properly correct the problem.

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When to Consult a Specialist

The general recommendation is for children to have their first orthodontic evaluation around age 7. However, unless major issues are noticed by you or your dentist, coming in for an evaluation by age 8 is certainly soon enough. Early diagnosis and treatment planning may be able to prevent the need for jaw surgery later on by addressing orthodontic issues during early development or before they become more severe. Your Orthodontist can also monitor your child’s development and intervene when necessary, thus reducing the odds that they might need surgery.

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The best way to keep your child’s oral health in the best condition is to recognize the early warning signs discussed above. All of the conditions we mentioned in this post have fairly significant tells, and getting a surgical orthodontic evaluation if you notice any of them is best practice for proactivity. If you’ve noticed any of the signs mentioned above, don’t hesitate to consult with an Orthodontist. Here at dobie revolution orthodontics, we specialize in treating children with the most effective and personalized plans, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a complimentary consultation.

Choose Your Office


2600 Dixwell Ave, Ste 2A,
Hamden, CT 06514


405 Church St, Ste 2
Guilford, CT 06437

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Are Clear Aligners (Invisalign) Right For Me? Complete Guide Fri, 13 Sep 2024 11:16:31 +0000 Considering Invisalign or Clear Aligners? This comprehensive guide is here to assist you in weighing the advantages and disadvantages of clear aligners for individuals of all ages.

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Thinking about straightening your smile? Invisalign clear aligners are a popular choice for both kids and adults, and for good reason! Unlike metal braces, they're practically invisible and removable for eating and brushing. But are they the perfect fit for you? This guide will help you explore the benefits of Invisalign and see if it might be the best choice for achieving your dream smile. Don’t forget here at Dobie Revolution Orthodontics, we are a VIP Invisalign Provider.

Are you considering Invisalign in the New Haven/Shoreline area?

A free consultation with Dobie Revolution Orthodontics is always available.

invisalign-hero-video top 1% invisalign provide
invisalign-hero-video top 1% invisalign provide

Are Clear Aligners (Invisalign) Right for My Child, Pre-Teen, or Teen?

For Kids (Ages 7-17)

Making the decision to invest in any sort of braces for your child can be stressful. Sometimes, there are minimal teeth issues that make you question whether or not the investment is worth it. Other times, it’s evident that restructuring is necessary. A few signs to consider clear aligners for your child include:

  • Their permanent teeth are starting to erupt (around age 6-7).
  • You notice crowded teeth, gaps, or bite problems.
  • Your child expresses concerns about their smile.

Here at Dobie Revolution Orthodontics, we can help! Invisalign can gently guide erupting teeth into the right position, potentially preventing more complex orthodontic issues down the road.

Reasons to Get Clear Aligners for a Child, Pre-Teen, or Teen

There are many reasons why Invisalign might be a great choice for your child (ages 7-17). Early intervention with clear aligners can help guide their teeth into the proper position, potentially avoiding the need for more complex orthodontic work later on. Plus, Invisalign is comfortable and removable, making it easier for young people to keep their teeth clean and healthy. And let's not forget the confidence boost that comes with having a great smile during those important developmental years!

Other Options to Consider for Your Child

Metal braces are a tried-and-true option for straightening teeth. They may be a better choice for more complex misalignments than clear aligners. We can discuss all the options with you during a consultation to find the perfect fit for your child's unique needs.

Keeping Your Child's Smile on Track with Invisalign

For successful treatment with clear aligners, it's important for your child to wear them consistently (20-22 hours a day) and remove them only for eating, brushing, and flossing. We'll teach them proper care for the aligners, and you can expect regular check-ins with us (every 12 weeks) to monitor progress and receive new aligner trays.

How Long Will Treatment Take for Your Child?

Treatment time with Invisalign for children and teens can vary depending on the severity of the case. On average, it can take 12-24 months to achieve a straighter smile. With proper care and following our instructions, you can expect to see visible improvements in your child's smile within a few months!

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Are Clear Aligners Right for Me as an Adult?

For Adults

Realizing that you may need dental realignment as an adult can be disheartening. After all, the commonality is that braces are mostly seen on kids and teens. Luckily, clear aligners are a discreet and convenient option. Here are some signs that clear aligners may be the right choice for you:

  • You're unhappy with your smile due to crooked teeth, gaps, or bite problems.
  • You're an adult who wants a more discreet alternative to traditional braces.
  • You're concerned about the impact of misaligned teeth on your oral health.

Invisalign could be your answer! Plus, clear aligners are easy to remove for eating and brushing, making it a breeze to maintain good oral hygiene throughout your treatment.

Reasons to Get Clear Aligners as an Adult

Invisalign is a great option for adults seeking a straighter smile without sacrificing aesthetics or comfort. The clear aligners are virtually invisible, so you can improve your smile without impacting your professional or social life.

Other Options to Consider as an Adult

Metal braces are still a highly effective option for adults. They may be a more cost-effective choice for some cases, and can handle more complex misalignments than clear aligners. We can help you explore all your options during a consultation. We also offer a clear version of braces as well if you are trying to hide them more. 

Maintaining Your New Smile with Invisalign

For successful treatment with Invisalign, adults should wear the aligners consistently (20-22 hours a day) and remove them only for eating, brushing, and flossing. Following proper care for the aligners is important, and we'll be here to guide you every step of the way. Regular appointments with us (every 12 weeks) will be necessary for monitoring progress and receiving new aligner trays.

How Long Will Treatment Take for You?

Treatment time with Invisalign for adults can vary depending on the complexity of the case. On average, adults can expect to wear Invisalign for 12-24 months. With proper care and following our instructions, you can achieve a straighter, healthier smile and the confidence boost you deserve!

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Ready to Smile with Confidence?

Whether you're considering Invisalign for your child or yourself, Dobie Revolution Orthodontics can help! We offer consultations to discuss your individual needs and create a personalized treatment plan. Visit to schedule your free consultation today and take the first step towards a dazzling smile! Don’t forget here at Dobie Revolution Orthodontics, we are VIP Diamond Invisalign providers.

Choose Your Office


2600 Dixwell Ave, Ste 2A,
Hamden, CT 06514


405 Church St, Ste 2
Guilford, CT 06437

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Are Braces Right for Me? Complete Guide Fri, 13 Sep 2024 08:48:46 +0000 Considering Braces? This comprehensive guide is here to assist you in weighing the advantages and disadvantages of braces for individuals of all ages.

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Are Braces Right for Me?

Braces have been a trusted method for aligning teeth and enhancing your smile for decades. With numerous options on the market today, including metal and clear braces, it's natural to question if they're still the best fit for you. This comprehensive guide is here to assist you in weighing the advantages and disadvantages of braces for individuals of all ages.

Are you considering braces in the New Haven/Shoreline area?

A free consultation with Dobie Revolution Orthodontics is always available.


Are Braces Right for My Child, Pre-Teen, or Teen?

Braces are often recommended for children and teenagers due to their developing jaws and bone structure, which can facilitate effective tooth movement. Here are some indications that braces may be beneficial for your child:

  • Crowded or misaligned teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Overbite, underbite, or crossbite
  • Difficulty chewing or biting

Reasons to Get Braces for a Child, Pre-Teen, or Teen

  • Early intervention can prevent future problems: By addressing misalignment early, you can help your child avoid more complex orthodontic issues and jaw surgery later in life.
  • Improved oral health: Straight teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.
  • Enhanced self-esteem: A confident smile can do wonders for a child's self-esteem.
  • Improved facial symmetry: Braces can help correct jaw irregularities and improve facial balance.

Other Options

Clear aligners have gained popularity over the last few years as an alternative to braces which offers a more discreet option, which can be popular in the late teenage years. Their near-invisibility makes them a more aesthetically pleasing option for those seeking to hide their orthodontic treatment. However, it is important to note that clear aligners may not be suitable for all cases, particularly those with complex misalignments. In those instances, a consultation with an Orthodontist is recommended to determine the most effective treatment plan for achieving optimal results. Dobie Revolution Orthodontics is excited to be a VIP Diamond Invisalign Provider.

Reasons to Consider Options Other Than Braces:

  • Removable for Activities: Perfect for sports and music practice.
  • No Food Restrictions: Enjoy all your favorite snacks without worry.
  • More Comfortable: Less chance of poking and irritation.
  • Easier to Clean Teeth: Simple brushing and flossing.
  • Fewer Orthodontic Visits: More time for fun activities.
  • Flexible Schedule: Fits busy school and hobby schedules.

Maintenance for Kids with Braces

Taking care of metal braces is crucial to ensure the treatment is effective and prevent any issues. It can be a bit challenging to brush and floss around the brackets and wires, so it's important to help your child develop good oral hygiene habits. Don't forget to schedule regular appointments with your Orthodontist for adjustments and to track progress.

Steps to Help Your Child Maintain Braces:

  • Brush After Every Meal: Make it fun with a timer or a song.
  • Use a Fluoride Mouthwash: Pick a flavor they like.
  • Floss Daily: Use floss threaders or special orthodontic floss.
  • Avoid Sticky and Hard Foods: Create a list of safe snacks together.
  • Wear a Mouthguard During Sports: Let them choose a cool design.
  • Attend Regular Orthodontic Appointments: Celebrate progress with small rewards.

Common Mistakes Kids Should Avoid:

  • Skipping Brushing and Flossing: Encourage good habits with charts and rewards.
  • Eating Forbidden Foods: Keep a stash of braces-friendly treats around.
  • Ignoring Broken Brackets or Wires: Teach them to report issues immediately.
  • Neglecting to Wear Elastics: Make it a routine, with reminders and rewards.

Average Timeline for Kids with Metal Braces

The treatment time with metal braces typically ranges from 18 to 24 months, but this duration isn’t set in stone and can be longer in certain cases. Factors such as the complexity of the case, the patient's age, and their commitment to following orthodontic instructions can all play a role in determining how long the treatment will take. It's important for patients to understand that the duration of their treatment may vary based on these factors, and to trust their Orthodontist's expertise in creating a personalized treatment plan for the best results.

Dobie Revolution: Consistently Voted CT Magazine’s Top Dentists

Are Braces Right for Me as an Adult?

Reasons to Get Braces as an Adult

  • Improved smile and self-confidence: A straighter smile can boost your self-confidence and enhance your professional and personal life. If metal braces don’t seem like the perfect fit for you, don’t forget there are also clear braces as well. 
  • Better oral health: Straight teeth are easier to clean and maintain, reducing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Correct bite problems: Braces can address bite issues that can cause jaw pain, headaches, and difficulty chewing.
  • Improved speech: Misaligned teeth can sometimes affect speech. Braces can help improve your pronunciation.

Other Options

Clear aligners have become a favored option among adults looking for a more subtle orthodontic treatment. While they offer the convenience of being removable for eating and oral hygiene, it's important to note that they may have a longer treatment duration compared to braces. We’ll also discuss a more customized option, KLOwen custom braces, below.

Reasons to Consider Other Options Than Braces:

  • Desire for a more discreet appearance
  • Preference for removable appliances
  • Fewer dietary restrictions
  • Increased comfort and reduced irritation
  • Easier maintenance of oral hygiene
  • Busy lifestyle requiring fewer orthodontic visits
  • Need for a flexible treatment plan

Maintenance for Adults with Braces

Adults wearing metal braces should be diligent in caring for their oral hygiene, just like children. It is crucial to brush and floss carefully around the brackets and wires. Additionally, regular appointments with your Orthodontist are vital for adjustments and tracking your progress.

Steps to Maintain Braces:

  • Brush teeth after every meal
  • Use a fluoride mouthwash
  • Floss daily with special orthodontic floss
  • Avoid sticky and hard foods
  • Wear a mouthguard during sports
  • Attend regular orthodontic appointments

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Skipping brushing and flossing
  • Eating forbidden foods like popcorn and candy
  • Ignoring broken brackets or wires
  • Neglecting to wear elastics as directed

Average Timeline for Adults with Braces

The duration of treatment with metal braces for adults is not set in stone and can fluctuate based on the intricacy of each individual case. Generally speaking, adults undergoing orthodontic treatment with metal braces can anticipate wearing them for a period ranging from 12 to 36 months, depending on the complexity. This time frame allows for the gradual shifting and alignment of the teeth into their ideal positions, resulting in a straighter and healthier smile. While the process may require patience and diligence, the end result of a beautifully aligned smile makes the journey well worth it.

Exploring Custom custom KLOwen Braces

KLOwen braces offer a cutting-edge approach to orthodontic treatment by providing fully customized braces tailored to each patient’s unique dental structure. Unlike braces that come in standard sizes, KLOwen custom braces use advanced technology to design brackets that fit your teeth precisely. This means fewer adjustments, shorter treatment times, and a more comfortable experience overall. We offer KLOwen braces in both metal and a clear version.

a picture that shows the difference between traditional braces and klowen custom braces.

Why Consider KLOwen Braces?

  • Customized Fit: Each bracket is custom-made to fit your teeth, leading to more precise tooth movement and potentially faster results.
  • Reduced Treatment Time: With better accuracy and fewer adjustments needed, KLOwen braces can shorten the overall duration of your orthodontic treatment.
  • Comfort and Efficiency: The custom design minimizes discomfort and the need for frequent visits to the Orthodontist for adjustments.
  • Ideal for Complex Cases: KLOwen braces are effective for treating even the most complex orthodontic cases, offering a modern solution that combines the reliability of traditional braces with the benefits of customization.

Is KLOwen Right for You?

If you’re looking for a more efficient alternative to traditional braces without compromising on results, KLOwen braces may be the perfect fit for you. Whether you're considering braces for your child, teen, or yourself, remember a consultation with your Dobie Revolution Orthodontics is always complimentary.

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If you're thinking about braces for your child or yourself, metal braces provide a dependable and efficient way to achieve a straighter, healthier smile. Are you in southern Connecticut and looking into orthodontic treatment? Dobie Revolution Orthodontics is here for you. We're ready to discuss all your options, including metal braces, and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to give you a beautiful and healthy smile.

Choose Your Office


2600 Dixwell Ave, Ste 2A,
Hamden, CT 06514


405 Church St, Ste 2
Guilford, CT 06437

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Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces: Which Orthodontic Treatment Is Right for You? – A Comprehensive Comparison Thu, 14 Mar 2024 10:32:05 +0000 Choosing the right orthodontic treatment is a significant decision, impacting not just your smile but also your daily life. With advancements in orthodontics, individuals now have more options than ever before. Two popular choices are Invisalign clear aligners and traditional braces. In this blog, we'll delve into the nuances of each treatment to help you […]

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Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces: Which Orthodontic Treatment Is Right for You? - A Comprehensive ComparisonChoosing the right orthodontic treatment is a significant decision, impacting not just your smile but also your daily life. With advancements in orthodontics, individuals now have more options than ever before. Two popular choices are Invisalign clear aligners and traditional braces. In this blog, we'll delve into the nuances of each treatment to help you determine which option best suits your needs.

Understanding Invisalign

Invisalign has revolutionized orthodontic treatment with its clear aligner system. These custom-made, transparent trays gradually shift teeth into alignment, offering a discreet alternative to traditional braces.

Advantages of Invisalign:

  • Aesthetics: One of the primary appeals of Invisalign is its nearly invisible appearance. The clear aligners blend seamlessly with your teeth, allowing you to undergo orthodontic treatment without drawing attention to your smile.
  • Removability: Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign trays are removable, allowing you to eat, drink, brush, and floss with ease. This flexibility promotes better oral hygiene and reduces the risk of plaque buildup and tooth decay.
  • Comfort: Invisalign aligners are made from smooth, comfortable plastic, eliminating the discomfort often associated with metal brackets and wires. They cause minimal irritation to the gums and cheeks, making them an excellent choice for individuals with sensitive mouths.

Drawbacks of Invisalign:

  • Compliance: For Invisalign treatment to be effective, patients must wear their aligners for at least 20-22 hours per day. Failure to comply with this requirement can prolong treatment time and compromise results.
  • Limited Suitability: While Invisalign can address mild to moderate orthodontic issues, it may not be suitable for complex cases or severe malocclusions. Your orthodontist can assess your specific needs to determine if Invisalign is the right option for you.

Understanding Traditional Braces

Traditional braces consist of metal brackets affixed to the teeth, connected by wires and secured with elastic bands. Despite the emergence of newer orthodontic technologies, traditional braces remain a trusted and effective treatment option.

Advantages of Traditional Braces:

  • Versatility: Traditional braces are highly versatile and can correct a wide range of orthodontic issues, including severe misalignments and bite problems.
  • Predictable Results: With traditional braces, orthodontists have precise control over tooth movement, allowing for predictable and comprehensive treatment outcomes.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: In some cases, traditional braces may be more cost-effective than alternative treatments, making them accessible to a broader range of patients.

Drawbacks of Traditional Braces:

  • Aesthetics: Unlike Invisalign, traditional braces are noticeable and may affect the wearer's confidence, particularly in social or professional settings.
  • Maintenance Challenges: Traditional braces require regular adjustments and maintenance appointments, along with diligent oral hygiene practices to prevent plaque buildup and staining around the brackets and wires.

Choosing between Invisalign and traditional braces ultimately depends on your individual preferences, orthodontic needs, and lifestyle considerations. While both treatments have their unique advantages and drawbacks, consulting with a qualified orthodontist is the best way to determine the most suitable option for achieving your desired smile. Whether you opt for the discreet convenience of Invisalign or the reliability of traditional braces, investing in orthodontic treatment is an investment in your long-term oral health and confidence. Schedule a consultation with dobie revolution orthodontics today! to discuss your options.

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Perfecting Smiles: Valentine’s Day Edition – Love and Orthodontics Thu, 14 Mar 2024 10:31:27 +0000 Valentine's Day is the perfect occasion to celebrate love in all its forms. Whether it's the love for a partner, family, friends, or even self-love, it's a time when we express our affection in various ways. One essential aspect of this celebration is the confidence to smile brightly. For those on their orthodontic journey, achieving […]

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Perfecting Smiles: Valentine's Day Edition - Love and OrthodonticsValentine's Day is the perfect occasion to celebrate love in all its forms. Whether it's the love for a partner, family, friends, or even self-love, it's a time when we express our affection in various ways. One essential aspect of this celebration is the confidence to smile brightly. For those on their orthodontic journey, achieving that perfect smile might be a work in progress, but it's certainly achievable with the right care and attention.

Love and Orthodontics:

Love and orthodontics might seem like an unlikely pair, but they have more in common than one might think.

Both require patience, dedication, and a commitment to long-term happiness. Orthodontic treatment is not just about straightening teeth; it's about enhancing self-esteem and confidence, enabling individuals to share their smiles with the world without hesitation. This Valentine's Day, embrace the journey of love and orthodontics, knowing that every adjustment brings you closer to the smile you've always dreamed of.

Celebrating Confidence:

Valentine's Day is a celebration of love, but it's also an opportunity to celebrate confidence. For those wearing braces or undergoing orthodontic treatment, confidence in their smile can sometimes waver. However, it's essential to remember that braces are a temporary investment in a lifetime of confident smiles. Embrace your journey, celebrate your progress, and remember that every adjustment is a step closer to the perfect smile you deserve.

Cleaning Braces for Valentine's Day:

As you prepare for Valentine's Day festivities, don't forget the importance of keeping your braces clean and healthy. Food particles can easily get trapped in braces, leading to plaque buildup and potential dental issues. Make sure to brush your teeth after every meal, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Flossing is equally crucial, as it helps remove debris from hard-to-reach areas between braces and teeth. Additionally, consider using interdental brushes or water flossers for thorough cleaning. By maintaining good oral hygiene habits, you can enjoy Valentine's Day with a confident, radiant smile.

This Valentine's Day, embrace the journey of love and orthodontics with confidence and positivity. Remember that every adjustment brings you closer to the smile you've always dreamed of. Celebrate your progress, cherish your loved ones, and don't forget to keep your braces clean for a healthy, radiant smile. With dedication and proper care, you'll be ready to share your perfect smile with the world, spreading love and joy wherever you go. Happy Valentine's Day! Please contact Dobie Revolution Orthodontics today to make an appointment.

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Tips to Enjoy Thanksgiving with Invisalign Braces Thu, 14 Mar 2024 10:28:42 +0000 We fit teens and adults with Invisalign clear braces. Adults love the idea of getting straighter teeth without the hassle and discomfort of wires and rubber. Teens love the aesthetics of the transparent aligners, which are invisible. The treatment can take 12 to 18 months and the cost is comparable to fitting regular braces. The […]

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Tips to Enjoy Thanksgiving with Invisalign BracesWe fit teens and adults with Invisalign clear braces. Adults love the idea of getting straighter teeth without the hassle and discomfort of wires and rubber. Teens love the aesthetics of the transparent aligners, which are invisible.

The treatment can take 12 to 18 months and the cost is comparable to fitting regular braces. The advantages, aside from convenience and cosmetics, are that the aligners are removable. You take them out at mealtime and eat normally.

With so much delicious food around during Thanksgiving and the holidays ahead, Invisalign wearers might be tempted to snack and nibble between meals without removing their aligners. The best advice, however, is to always remove your aligners when eating for numerous reasons.

3 Reasons To Remove Your Invisalign Braces Before Eating

1. You could damage your aligners. They are molded from thin plastic. Bite down on that candy cane or almond and you could crack, bend, or punch a hole in your aligner.
2. Your aligners don’t come with spares. Ruin or break one, and it's back to Dobie + Rollins Orthodontics for a refit.
3. Trying to eat food while wearing Invisalign is awkward. Even if the snack is soft and gooey, it will likely stick over and around your aligners. It likely will not be an enjoyable experience, and you will have to remove the aligners to clean them anyway.

Suggestions for Holiday Eating with Invisalign Braces

Snack Less
You don’t have to drastically change your eating habits with Invisalign. On the other hand, since you need to remove your aligners each time you eat, you might find it more convenient to pass up frequent, light eating in favor of less frequent, heavier meals. Instead of reaching for that peppermint candy cane or hard sugar cookie, wait until mealtime. You’ll have a better appetite, and you’ll pass up all those empty calories. You will also spare your teeth from contact with all that sugar.

Eat Softer Foods
If Thanksgiving and the holidays occur during a time when you have just switched to a new set of aligners, the new fit might cause your teeth to be a bit tender. Pass up the turkey drumstick and have a slice of tender white meat. Load up on the mashed potatoes and stuffing, and enjoy a dollop of chocolate pudding for dessert.

Minimize Eating Discomfort
When it is time to start using a new set of aligners, we recommend putting them in at bedtime. Your teeth will have several hours to adjust to the new fit, and you’ll be ready to enjoy that holiday meal. You also might want to take an anti-inflammatory over-the-counter medication an hour before eating to relieve any tenderness.

Invisalign is your best choice

Invisalign treatment will straighten your teeth and restore your smile. Dobie revolution orthodontics have the skills and experience to help you towards that goal.

Have a question or want to know more about Invisalign treatment? Schedule a consultation with dobie revolution orthodontics today! 

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National Orthodontic Health Month Thu, 14 Mar 2024 10:23:48 +0000 For many, the month of October means the beginning of fall, the start of football, and preparing for the upcoming holidays. However, at Alameda Pediatric Dentistry, we know that October also stands for National Orthodontic Health Month. This month, we want to talk to you about the importance and benefits of orthodontic care and ways […]

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National Orthodontic Health MonthFor many, the month of October means the beginning of fall, the start of football, and preparing for the upcoming holidays. However, at Alameda Pediatric Dentistry, we know that October also stands for National Orthodontic Health Month. This month, we want to talk to you about the importance and benefits of orthodontic care and ways to protect your smile this month.

During October, orthodontic offices across the nation work together to celebrate healthy smiles and educate their communities about the benefits and importance of orthodontic treatment. A healthy smile is for everyone, and you are never too young or old to start your journey towards obtaining a beautiful smile.

This October, the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) has teamed up with the national organization Stand for the Silent to fight against bullying. This year’s theme is #bullyingbites as 7/10 people admit to being self-conscious of their teeth as it has been a common target for bullies over the years.

Signs and Symptoms

Common warning signs that you or a loved one may need orthodontic care can include the following:

  • Clicking or popping of the jaw joints
  • Crossbite, overbite, and protruding teeth
  • Crowded, misplaced, or blocked-out teeth
  • Difficulty chewing or biting
  • Grinding or clenching of teeth
  • Mouth breathing
  • Speech problems
  • Teeth that don’t come together

The Importance of Orthodontic Care

The AAO recommends parents and caregivers bring their children to the orthodontist between the ages of 7-8 for their first examination. During this time, children undergo major growth spurts that can affect the development of their teeth and jaws. By visiting the orthodontist early on, your child’s growth can be monitored, and our team can determine if early treatment is necessary. Early treatment can prevent conditions from worsening and lower the risk for more complex and costly procedures.

Orthodontic care does more than straighten misaligned teeth to improve the appearance of your smile. An improper bite or misaligned teeth can result in an increased risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss as well as affect your jaw’s ability to function properly.

Though many imagine orthodontic care to be mostly for children and teenagers as their bones and teeth are still developing and adjusting, orthodontic care is for everyone regardless of age. In fact, many adults seek treatment to correct long-standing problems or fix changes that may have occurred later in life.

Halloween Tips

Though we may spend the month celebrating healthy smiles in October, we know many of our patients may be getting ready to celebrate Halloween at the end of the month. We have a few tips and recommendations to help you navigate the holiday so that you can keep your smile happy and healthy.

If you have orthodontic appliances such as braces or a retainer, be mindful of sticky, crunchy, chewy, and hard snacks and candies. Treats such as caramel, gummies, taffy, gum, and jellybeans may damage or become stuck in between your appliances. We also recommend patients be wary of hard treats like Jolly Ranchers, nuts, chips, and popcorn that put pressure on your appliances causing them to break, damage brackets or bands, or injure the soft tissues in your mouth.

With all the excitement during the fun-filled night, please remember to brush and floss. You should take extra care during this sugary month by drinking plenty of water, brushing twice a day, and flossing before bed. For more information on orthodontic care and how to keep your teeth healthy this month, please Schedule a consultation with dobie revolution orthodontics today! .

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Keep Your Teeth Healthy While Wearing Braces Thu, 14 Mar 2024 10:22:31 +0000 Keep Your Teeth Healthy While Wearing Braces

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Keep Your Teeth Healthy While Wearing Braces

Step Up Your Game

Questionable dental hygiene practices need to be benched. When you wear braces, cleaning teeth and gums properly takes on extra importance. Brushing and flossing should be done a minimum of twice a day, but it is a good idea to clean teeth after meals to prevent build-up around the brackets. Brushing more frequently does not mean brushing more aggressively. In fact, being gentle is important, so wires and brackets are not damaged.

Choose a soft-bristled brush, a fluoride toothpaste, and rinse. We recommend brushing after each meal to dislodge food particles. Floss gently by threading the floss between the wire and teeth, working it back and forth slowly.

An Ounce Of Prevention

Before brushing it is wise to rinse the mouth with water to remove that first layer of debris left on teeth after meals. Make sure you have at least a soft-bristled brush and floss with you at all times. Angle the brush, so the bristles reach under the wire and clean as close to the brackets as possible. End the night with a fluoride rinse to strengthen enamel and help prevent decay.

Things To Avoid While Wearing Braces

As much as you may miss your sweet treats, that radiant smile will be worth it on reveal day. Drs. Birth, Stewart, & Fletcher will provide a list of foods to avoid. If you are unsure about a food or treat, ask yourself if it is sticky, chewy, or hard? Sticky sweets tend to get stuck in brackets and under wires. Hard, crunchy food like pretzels, or even ice cubes, have the potential to break wires and dislodge or break brackets. It is wise to avoid chewing on the ends of pencils or pens. Even nail biters can cause inadvertent damage to braces.

Dental Hygiene On The Go

Create a mini dental hygiene kit to take on the go. Include a soft-bristled travel toothbrush and a mini tube of fluoride toothpaste. Make it a habit to visit the restroom after each snack and meal to do a quick rinse and brush. Spending a few minutes to remove food particles from teeth surfaces goes a long way in preventing staining and decay.

Protect Your Investment

Braces should not be a deterrent to participation in sports. A number of different mouth guards are available that protect braces, teeth, and the inside of the mouth from damage. The American Dental Association recommends the use of mouth guards on both top and bottom teeth.

Visit The Dentist

Besides regular visits to the orthodontist, you should still visit the regular dentist for cleaning and check-ups twice a year. The dentist can help identify areas you need to strengthen in your dental hygiene routine. For example, if plaque has begun to build-up between teeth, a lesson in proper flossing techniques is in order. Schedule a consultation with dobie revolution orthodontics today! enjoy helping our patients maximize the benefits of braces with diligent dental hygiene.

The post Keep Your Teeth Healthy While Wearing Braces appeared first on dobie revolution orthodontics.
