
Your beautiful smile is our priority

is for life!

what is retention?

Retention is the final step in your orthodontic journey, and we here at dobie revolution orthodontics make it our mission to ensure that your smile will last for years to come.

After completing your active braces or Invisalign treatment, we will provide the appropriate retainers to hold your teeth in their ideal positions. It is very important not to skip this step or all of your hard work will be lost!

woman out of focus holding Invisalign clear retainer in focus

how often do i have to wear retainers?

Typically we have our patients wear removable retainers full time for 3-months, which allows for the teeth to firm up in their final positions. After this, you can transition into wearing your retainers just to bed. It is very important, however, to wear your retainers every night because you don’t want your teeth to shift. Teeth can move at any time throughout your lifetime so please understand that retention is for life!

what are fixed retainers?

Fixed or bonded retainers are retainers that are attached to the inside of your teeth and are used to prevent teeth from shifting. We utilize fixed retainers very often for your lower teeth because they have the greatest chance of shifting. Fixed retainers can be used on upper teeth as well, but they often need repairing more frequently and sometimes they are not an option due to the way your teeth fit together.

fixed-retainer in mouth

how do i take care of care retainers?

It is very important that you take really good care of your retainers, both fixed and removable. Removable retainers can be easily lost, and therefore should always be stored in a retainer case when they are not in your mouth. 

They should be stored either in your case or in your face and no other place! Retainers should never be stored in a napkin (not even for a few minutes), and they should kept away from pets at all times. Daily cleaning of your removable retainers with cold water and either soap or toothpaste is essential for both their longevity, and for maintaining proper oral hygiene.

Making sure that you are brushing and flossing behind your fixed retainer is also important for the health of your gums. You should also be seeing a dental hygienist at least once per year for dental cleanings and to monitor any fixed retainers.

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