Surgical Orthodontic Treatment

Your beautiful smile is our priority

Surgical Orthodontics

combined orthodontic & jaw surgery

mans mouth after orthodontic surgery with clear metal braces

what is surgical orthodontic?

Surgical orthodontic, also called orthognathic surgery, is used for treating severe cases of jaw bone abnormalities and malocclusions (bad bites). We are proud to offer combined orthodontic and surgical management of severe skeletal discrepancies to our patients.

If you require surgical orthodontic to improve your bite or facial harmony, we will work closely with expert oral and maxillofacial surgeons in the area to obtain the smile that you deserve.

are braces required for surgical orthodontic?

invisalign being fitted
man putting in invisalign

is jaw surgery really worth it?

before & after jaw surgery photos

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when kids and adults walk into our office they immediately feel a little more at ease

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dobie devolution orthodontics is the official smile partner of USA Skateboarding

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