girl with overbite with metal braces (1)

The Importance of Wearing Your Retainers After Braces

The Importance of Wearing Your Retainers After BracesAfter you have completed your orthodontic treatment, it is important to continue caring for your teeth. Once your braces are removed, a retainer may be proper treatment to keep your teeth straight. Following the recommendations from your orthodontist can ensure your teeth continue to stay in perfect alignment.

What Do Retainers Do?

  • Retainers hold your teeth in position - Retainers will assist in holding your new smile in place throughout the initial post-braces phase when the tissues surrounding the teeth adjust to their new locations.
  • Avoids teeth a recurrence of malocclusion - Following this initial phase, retainers will be worn at night to avoid teeth moving and a recurrence of the malocclusion that existed before braces.
  • It helps settle the teeth on the new position - They are usually made of metal or clear plastic and fit over the top or bottom teeth (or both). Wearing them will help your teeth stay in their new position while they settle into their new position and form attachments to the jawbone.

What Happens When the Patient Removes Retainer After Braces?

The most frequently asked question is, "What happens if I forget to wear my retainer after braces?" If you do not wear your retainer regularly, your teeth may return to their original misalignment.

We usually remind clients that if they have braces for the first time and then stop seeing an orthodontist or dentist who can monitor their teeth to ensure they remain in the proper place, wearing a retainer may be one of the most essential things they ever do for themselves.

Retainer Maintenance and Care

  • Wear that retainer every night to ensure your teeth stay exactly where they should be.
  • Be sure you’re not wearing it while eating.
  • Schedule an appointment if your retainer breaks or is misplaced.

Retainers are an integral part of your orthodontic treatment. Retainers help keep your teeth aligned long after your braces are removed. If you have questions about your smile, contact dobie revolution orthodontics today!

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