But there are some situations where a child’s parafunctional (outside of normal function) habits can actually influence the development and function of their teeth, jaws, and mouth. Some examples of these are persistent thumb sucking, tongue thrusting and mouth breathing.
The sucking reflex is natural in early childhood for everyone, and usually disappears between the ages of 2 and 4. If, however, a thumb sucking habit persists during this time, the pressure from the finger on the front teeth can actually cause the teeth to move apart and the jaws to change shape. The effects of this habit can lead to the orthodontic problem called an “open bite,” which may impair speech. An open bite can also be caused by the force of the tongue pushing forward against the teeth (tongue thrusting).
Mouth breathing is an abnormal breathing pattern in which the mouth always remains open, passing air directly to the lungs and is related to alterations in the muscular function of the tongue and face. It may cause the upper and lower jaw to grow abnormally, which can lead to serious orthodontic problems. Although mouth breathing may start from a physical difficulty, it can become a habitual action that is hard to break.
Various orthodontic treatments are available to help correct these parafunctional habits. The sooner these habits are corrected, the less damage they may cause. But these potential problems aren’t always easy to recognize. That’s one more reason why you should bring your child in for a free orthodontic screening by age 7.